Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A trip to the doctors..... =)

Today was a fun filled day of doctor visits. On our first visit I took my wife to her Gyno. We love to visit him because he is so nice. He makes you want to go back, and I’m a man that’s funny right! I know what can I say, I never missed a visit while my wife was pregnant and I will not miss one now. The doc said she was as good as gold and just to take it easy for the next few weeks. Lucky her, I have to go back to work and pay bills talk about living on the edge hahaha! On our second visit my little bird had to see the doctor and make sure everything was running smoothly with her weight. As most of you might not know she only weighed about 4lb 9oz. The doctor said she was perfect, most babies grow in weight about 20 to 30 grams a day but our little bird has grown an astonishing 50 grams a day. The doctor says she is trying to do outside of her mom what she could not do inside, which is grow. As parents we were very happy to hear that she was growing at that rate and that everything was fine health wise with our little girl. This little bit of information I gave you today is just more proof that when you take the time to care for the other members with in your circle the only result from that is a healthy and loving family.

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